The Flying Banana and Other Pennsylvania Transportation discusses early land and water travel, canals, steamboats, railroads, autos, and air travel. Review questions, map work and timeline work included.
Phacops Rana and Other Pennsylvania Symbols has sections on each state symbol and practice sheets for help in learning them.
Iron Making and Other Pennsylvania Industries includes the early days of trapping, hunting, and trading; early crafts people; ship building; commercial fishing; the Conestoga wagon; tanneries; iron, coal, and steel production; lumber making and related industries; textile, car, truck, & railroad manufacturing; agriculture; food processing; and the harvesting of natural gas .
William Penn and Other Pennsylvanians contains readings, plays, and review questions about William Penn, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Allen, Lucretia Mott, John Roebling, Thomas Read, Winfield Hancock, and James Stewart.
These books were written for fourth through eighth grade, but a plan for using all of them for a full high school course is provided in the separate Student Book and Teacher's Guide for Iron Making and Other Pennsylvania Industries.